Building a Game with Runtime Script (Part 2)

In the previous part, we have implemented a simple game template that allowes users to control a pixel on the canvas by pressing arrow keys, in this part, we are going to add two more features to make it more like a game:

  • physics (gravity)
  • drawing charactures with bitmaps

First let's resieze our canvas. By default, its size is 24 by 24, and we can add an optional argument to the cls command to change its resolution.

cls 32

This will change the canvas to 32 pixels in width and 32 pixels in height.

v = v' + gt

Free Fall

let CANVAS_SIZE 32 let x 10 let y 10

let v 0
let G 1

jmp draw


/ -- calculate velocity --
add v $v $G
add y $y $v
jlt $y 30 velocity_done
sub v 0 $v
let y 30

/ -- draw --
drw $x $y 1

slp 50
jmp main_loop

Bit Map

let CANVAS_SIZE 64 let x 10 let y 0

let v 0
let G 1

def draw_bit_map
 let left $0
 let top $1
 let map '00044444000000444444444000ccc22020000c2c222022200c2cc222022200c2222000000002222220000044744744000444744744404444777744442247277274222227777772222277777777220077700777000bbb0000bbb0bbbb0000bbbb'
 for i 16
  for j 12
   pol $map c
   sub c $c $nil
   ifg $c 96
    sub c $c 87
    sub c $c 48
   add xx $top $i
   add yy $left $j
   drw $yy $xx $c

jmp draw


/ -- calculate velocity --
add v $v $G
add y $y $v
jlt $y 48 velocity_done
sub v 0 $v
let y 48

/ -- draw --
cal draw_bit_map $x $y

slp 50
jmp main_loop